I was obsessed with race cars from a very young age. When I was 6 years old my dad took me to my first race, the Inaugural California 500. This was held at the brand new Ontario Motor Speedway and featured Indy style open wheel race cars. Ontario Motor Speedway (OMS) was known as the "Indianapolis of the West" and was the first and only automobile racing facility built to
accommodate major races sanctioned by all of the four dominant racing
sanctioning bodies. Although the racing was great, the thing I remember most was the souvenir that I got that day. There was a poster vendor and I recall that I didn't really like the plain looking OMS or driver posters that everyone seemed to be buying. What caught my young eye was a large color poster of a red Ferrari 330P3. In large print across the bottom were two words: "Targa Florio".
That poster hung in my room for years. I think I was about 10 years old when I finally found out what the Targa Florio was. I have never forgot that name or poster. Fast forward to the present day. Yet another interesting email pops up in my inbox. This particular one just happens to be from Antonino Salemi, the Director of the Floriopoli Natural Museum in Sicily. For those who are not familiar, Floriopoli is the temple of the legendary Targa Florio.
Floriopoli 1968 |
Mr Salemi wrote to tell me that the Floriopoli Natural Museum has started a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to restore Floriopoli, an important place of history of the legendary Targa Florio. They are calling it the "
Rebirth of Floriopoli" and you can view their campaign here:
http://kck.st/1CtaiPG Check out this link
here for more information on the museum itself.
Lets back this project and be a part of history at the same time. There are some cool rewards depending on what your pledge is. Personally I chose the 65 lira pledge (about $72 USD), which includes a exclusive book on the history of Floriopoli autographed by the director of the museum. Do yourself a favor and check it out: